Who Can Benefit?
The cutting-edge care we provide is designed to seek out NeuroStructural misalignments within the spine called vertebral subluxations. We remove these obstructions to proper communication from the brain through the nerve system. Once communication routes are free of this interference our patients’ bodies are able to heal more efficiently and function better. This means benefits can be seen throughout our entire lifespan.
Growing Children
Even during pregnancy, the growing fetus develops new brain cells at the rate of 250,000 PER MINUTE. This level of coordinative growth continues after we are born during infancy and childhood. Our office prides itself in the large number of pregnant women and young children we provide expert care. Being trusted to care for families is something we take very seriously.
Given the rate of growth and transformation children go through in their early life, it is not surprising that so many in our community choose to have their children checked regularly at our clinic. Many of the children we see began care during their mother’s pregnancy.
Nationally-known obstetrician Lendon Smith, MD (The Children’s Doctor from ABC news) said it this way…

Dr. Sinnott has had special training over the past three decades to handle difficult pediatric cases and has had several of his pediatric research cases published in academic journals. He is currently involved in overseeing pediatric research projects he designed with doctors across the globe. His tireless pursuit for excellence makes our clinic the preeminent choice to care for your children.
Active Adults
Your nerve system is constantly working to adapt to the stresses from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Today’s adult has a far busier day to day life than was common just a generation ago. These increased stressors, and the demands they put upon your nerve system, compounded by less sleep, longer hours of computer time at work in a static posture—not to mention fitting the schedules of a busy family in the little free time you had—decrease the ability of your nerve system to adapt and maintain your energy levels and overall health.
This leads to a breakdown of function that may result in everything from pain, headaches, exhaustion, loss of ability to sit, stand or walk comfortably, and generally just have a less healthy experience in life.
The pressure on families today requires parents to be at 100% at all times.
No two cases are the same, so why should the one-size-fits-all typical care out there be what you really need? The individualized care we provide is custom-tailored for your specific case. Whether you need help with a current health challenge or want to optimize your health and energy to get more out of your busy life, we look forward to doing our very best for you. Finding what is behind your unique problem and developing the necessary unique solution is our area of expertise.
Gaining an Athletic Edge
Competition is interwoven into our society today. Even our children need to gain an edge to be competitive with their peers. Just to make it onto a team is challenging. The difference between being a typical athlete and standout player is just that small difference. It is that small difference that hits P.R. (personal record) after P.R. or lands scholarships.
It is no wonder why world-class athletes, from football, soccer, track and field, Olympic athletes, and even the Triple Crown racehorses all seek the athletic edge gained from regular Chiropractic care. Dr. Sinnott has led research showing the performance changes seen before and after a single Chiropractic adjustment, skillfully done to his exacting measures. In this research, world-ranked track athletes have been shown to dramatically increase their performance levels, even though they were completely free of any symptoms. They had no pain or ailment, yet when interference to the nerve system was found and adjusted, their abilities dramatically elevated. There is simply no other Chiropractic clinic in the world that uses the research-level technology Dr. Sinnott offers. Whether you are a world-ranked athlete, or like most of us, just looking for an edge in life, Dr. Sinnott can help you reach an optimum level of physical performance.
Difficult Cases
Often we have patients seek our care from long distances because they have been told that “we can’t find a reason for you problem”….or, “it is all in your head.” Over these past 33 years we have seen children from two to fourteen years of age walk for the first time after their first specific adjustment. The inherent abilities of the body to heal and regulate its function through the nerve system should never be underestimated.
If you feel your complaints have been ignored by regular medical doctors, or typical Chiropractors for that matter—because they can’t find the real source of your problems—we invite you to come sit with us and let’s have a conversation to see if our clinic may finally have an answer for you. The answer may be found in questions ordinary doctors don’t consider. Dr. Sinnott has spent decades finding answers for many difficult cases that average Chiropractors would be apprehensive to handle. A few of these types of cases may include:
- Asthma
- Bedwetters (enuresis)
- Cerebral Palsy
- Failure to thrive in babies
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth
- Colic
- Cystic Fibrosis and other immune issues
- Eczema, shingles, and other skin conditions
- Headaches & Migraines
- Infants with nursing problems
- Infertility
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Myesthenia Gravis
- Paralysis
- Seizures

This is problem that is far more common than most realize. In our society a stigma remains that it is the mother’s fault for not being able to conceive. Nothing could be further from the truth!
There is always a cause. The neuro-reproductive system controls a finely-tuned and regulated set of functions. If this neural control is hampered or obstructed in its path through the spine, infertility may result. We are proud of the percentage of women who were able to conceive within three months of starting care. Over the first 33 years of out practice, we have had only one woman that did not conceive in that time. Dr. Sinnott feels it is his responsibility to do his very best to provide an answer in this very emotional issue for couples. He recalls his very first such case over 30 years ago…
“This set of parents had paid over $80,000 out of pocket to try every imaginable method to conceive, including several rounds of invitro fertilization. She was pregnant in just under two months of care and has since had several children, having no problem getting pregnant after that initial specific care.”

If someone you know has desperately tried to start a family to share their love and joy with—or may not have the funds for the ridiculously over-priced care from ordinary doctors—do them a great favor and invite them to come talk with us. It has made such a dramatic change for so many new mothers in the Lincoln-way area over the past three decades. Not to mention our specific care is a drug-free and far less invasive way to end this desperation.
Give us a call at 815-469-4777 and we will reserve a convenient time to help find a solution and answer all your questions. We can’t wait to meet you!